Rogue Advocates Wins Appeal Preventing the Urbanization of Forest Land in Extreme Fire Risk Area

News Coverage KDRV, Josephine County zoning change reversed by State Board, published on June 10, 2022 KTVL, Advocacy groups win land-use appeal against private developer in Merlin, published on June 15, 2022 Press Release Grants Pass, OR, June 8, 2022—The Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) ruled in favor of Rogue Advocates and 1000 Friends of Oregon that the Josephine …

Celebrating 15-Years of Protecting the Rogue Valley!

This month, we are celebrating our 15th anniversary of working to protect farmland, forests, and open space in the Rogue Valley by recognizing highlights to mark this milestone! Often working quietly from behind the scenes and sometimes going without notice, we bet some of these actions may surprise you. We hope you learn something new and get to know us better! Looking …

Appeal Filed to Protect Josephine County Forest Land

Josephine County, Oregon––Rogue Advocates and 1000 Friends of Oregon have appealed a Josephine County land use decision to re-designate and rezone nearly 90 acres of forest land to rural residential to allow a residential subdivision with 5-acre minimum parcel sizes. Over 15,500 acres in Josephine County have already been re-designated as non-resource lands, with local decision-makers repeatedly failing to consider …

Ashland Amends Annexation Process, Granting City Broad Discretion to Bypass Safety and Accessibility Standards

Ashland, OR. As a result of Rogue Advocates’ successful May 2021 appeal of the Grand Terrace annexation, the City of Ashland was forced to acknowledge the multitude of ways in which the annexation’s approval violated the City’s laws. But rather than require that the applicant conform to Ashland’s annexation code––which mandates that newly-annexed areas provide “safe and accessible” bicycle, pedestrian and …

Why A Land-Use Group Nixed An Ashland Housing Plan

Pepper Trail, Vice President Rogue Advocates, and Craig Anderson, Land Use Program Manager, were interviewed by the Jefferson Exchange about the Ashland Annexation appeal on July 8, 2021. Listen to the recorded interview here: Jefferson Exchange Public Radio Jefferson Public Radio wrote: “The Rogue Valley needs more affordable housing, and Ashland acutely so. But when a plan was created to …

LUBA rejects county zone change

Article by Damian Mann published in Ashland Tidings on June 11, 2021. The Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals recently rejected a zone change by Jackson County commissioners that could have opened the door to widespread development of rural properties. “It is difficult if not impossible to understand what findings the Board of Commissioners relied upon to support the decision,” …

Ashland willing to sacrifice safety to appease developers

Written by Jimmy MacLeod. Published in the Mail Tribune on Jun 10, 2021. Is public safety “tinsel on a tree”? With little discussion, despite a hearings record of over 1,000 pages, the Ashland City Council unanimously approved the “Grand Terrace” annexation in December last year. As envisioned by the developer, the annexation would have resulted in the construction of 196 …

State Raps Ashland Annexation

Article by Damian Mann published in Ashland Tidings on June 4, 2021. Ashland’s attempt to annex 17 acres for a proposed apartment complex was rejected recently by the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals. “The decision we made is incorrect,” said Bill Molnar, city planner, at a May 25 Planning Commission meeting. The city approved the annexation, which would have …

Rogue Advocates Wins Two Appeals at LUBA

Ashland, OR. May 14, 2021 – In response to two separate petitions filed by Rogue Advocates, a public-interest land use watchdog, the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) has reversed an annexation approval by the City of Ashland and remanded a zone change approval by Jackson County. On May 12, LUBA agreed with Rogue Advocates that the City of Ashland did not follow their municipal code in approving the Grand Terrace annexation just north of the city limits on Highway 99. The next day, LUBA again ruled in favor of Rogue Advocates when they …

Box R Mine Appeal: Update

The Box R Ranch has been operating an unpermitted mine operation since the 1990’s in the Greensprings area approximately 1 ½ miles off Hwy. 66. This has historically been a small operation until 2018 when Box R contracted to supply rock for the reinforcement of both Hyatt and Howard Prarie Dams. The increased haul traffic led to several public complaints …

Rogue Advocates Appeals Ashland Annexation

Ashland, Oregon, January 13, 2021—Rogue Advocates, a non-profit land use organization based in Jackson and Josephine Counties, gave notice today of their intent to appeal the City of Ashland’s approval of an approximately 17-acre annexation near Ashland’s northern city limits. Located adjacent to a 45-mph section of Highway 99 on land currently occupied by a single home, the annexation would …

Rogue Advocates Appeals Ashland Annexation

On December 15th the City of Ashland approved the 17-acre “Grand Terrace” annexation at the northern edge of the City’s Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) along the west side of Highway 99. Rogue Advocates is highly-supportive of Ashland’s efforts to increase the supply of affordable housing, particularly within mixed-use, transit, bike, and pedestrian-oriented developments. Additionally, Rogue Advocates supports developments that serve to …

Box R Aggregate Mine Appeal

Rogue Advocates has filed an appeal of Jackson County’s approval of the Box R Aggregate Mine Conditional Use Permit to authorize an aggregate mine on a 42-acre parcel zoned forest resource. The site is about 1 1/2 miles south of Hwy 66 near Lincoln school in the Greensprings. Access has been granted by BLM over their road system to Hwy 66. The property is …