Dear Prospective Board Member,
We are excited about your interest in joining the Rogue Advocates Board of Directors. We are seeking energetic individuals who express a passion to enhance the livability in the greater Rogue Valley through their participation on the Rogue Advocates Board.
Rogue Advocates is dedicated to cultivating livable and sustainable communities in southern Oregon’s Rogue Valley region. Through advocacy, education, and outreach around local land use issues, we work to preserve productive rural lands and to promote vibrant urban centers.
The Board meets quarterly during the evening, plus committee meetings that are held throughout the year as needed. If you are interested in joining the board, please email to request an application and board packet with more information.
The Board will review your application and contact you for further discussion. Candidates may also be invited to attend a board meeting as an observer. The final stage of the process is an invitation to attend the Annual Meeting where new members are formally elected to the board.
If you have questions about the board or the application process, please email
Thank you for your shared commitment to ensuring sustainable communities in southern Oregon’s Rogue Valley region for generations to come.
Kind regards,
Rogue Advocates Board of Directors