
Homage to Rogue Advocates Founder Jimmy MacCleod

Walking the Applegate Valley Ridge Trail with Jimmy, looking down on the developing Rogue Valley on one side and the forested mountainsides and farmed bottomland of the Applegate Valley on the other, Jimmy envisions simultaneously both the past and the future. Maybe, just maybe, we can have an impact and paint a more sustainable future that reflects the natural beauty …

Rogue Advocates Files new Appeal to LUBA!

In early 2024 the Josephine County Commissioners introduced and approved revisions to Chapter 19 of the county comprehensive plan to relax or eliminate minimum wildfire and safety mitigation standards for development of structures throughout the county. Josephine County is the only area in Oregon that does not fund a county wide fire district. At the local hearing Rogue Advocates stressed …

An Opportunity to Support Rogue Valley from our Friends at Rogue Farm Corps!

Applications are OPEN for 2024Rogue Farm Corps Apprenticeships! Interested in exploring sustainable/regenerative farming and becoming part of the climate-smart agricultural movement? Earn a wage while you train with dedicated Host Farm mentors through a Rogue Farm Corps Apprenticeship! Apprentices learn and work at one of RFC’s partner Host Farms across the state of Oregon. This hands-on, real-world field training is …

Rogue Advocates Newsletter – September 2023

Happenings in Rogue Valley and Statewide  It has been a busy year for us here at Rogue Advocates! Thanks to your continuing donations and support we have been able to successfully participate in multiple land use applications. Oregon Farm & Forest Lands came under threat by multiple legislative bills and commercial developments over the last year what would have set …

Listen to our interview with the Jefferson Exchange

Land Use Program Manager Devin Kesner and Board President Jamie Talarico discussed our new publication, Participating in Land Use Planning, and tips for getting involved with local land use planning, on the Jefferson Exchange on Jefferson Public Radio. We talked about barriers to getting involved, the basics of our land use planning system, and more! Listen to the interview here: …

Urban Growth Boundaries Under Threat – Removing Barriers to Community Participation

[Jackson and Josephine Counties, OR, Nov 17, 2022]— In order to help community members effectively participate in Oregon’s complex land-use planning system, Rogue Advocates released a new community resource guide called “Participating in Land Use Planning”. This release comes at a timely moment when Oregon’s farm and forest lands are being converted by urban growth boundary expansions and new development. …

Introducing our new publication: Participating in Land Use Planning!

Public participation is powerful and central to the sustainable functioning of our government. Land use planning is dependent on the public being involved in the planning process. With enabling more public participation as our motivating force, we’ve put together a new publication to make participating in the land use realm more accessible. We know firsthand how challenging it can be …

Our comments to DLCD on the Wildfire Adapted Communities Recommendations

As a first step to address wildfire risk and hazards, the 2021 legislature passed Senate Bill 762, a comprehensive wildfire preparedness and resiliency bill. Under the bill, the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) was tasked with developing recommendations for changes to Oregon’s land use planning rules to make our communities safer from wildfire and adjust Oregon’s land use …

Jackson County denies proposal for 64-acre aggregate mine

Kevin McNamara/KTVL

Facing sustained opposition from Rogue Advocates and community members, Jackson County made its final decision to deny an application for an aggregate mining operation on nearly 64 acres a few miles north of Shady Cove on Highway 227. The application was seeking approval for mining, crushing, sizing, stockpiling, hauling, and blasting, all within close proximity to surrounding residences as close …

Rogue Advocates Wins Appeal Preventing the Urbanization of Forest Land in Extreme Fire Risk Area

News Coverage KDRV, Josephine County zoning change reversed by State Board, published on June 10, 2022 KTVL, Advocacy groups win land-use appeal against private developer in Merlin, published on June 15, 2022 Press Release Grants Pass, OR, June 8, 2022—The Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) ruled in favor of Rogue Advocates and 1000 Friends of Oregon that the Josephine …

Celebrating 15-Years of Protecting the Rogue Valley!

This month, we are celebrating our 15th anniversary of working to protect farmland, forests, and open space in the Rogue Valley by recognizing highlights to mark this milestone! Often working quietly from behind the scenes and sometimes going without notice, we bet some of these actions may surprise you. We hope you learn something new and get to know us better! Looking …

It’s time to say no to more fire-prone rural sprawl

Mail Tribune, Guest View, Local Opinions, April 3, 2022 In case you haven’t noticed we are in an ever-worsening drought in the region. It’s clear to anyone who’s watching that the climate change chickens have come home to roost with a vengeance and the Rogue Valley is once again staring down the barrel of another fast approaching long, hot, high-risk …

Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities Rulemaking Could Change the Way Oregon Cities Develop

Have you heard of the Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities Rulemaking? These rules have the potential to change the way our cities develop (for the better) and are worth learning more about! The rules could make our cities more livable, walkable, and have a big impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions across the state. These new rules proposed by the Land …