Listen to our interview with the Jefferson Exchange

Land Use Program Manager Devin Kesner and Board President Jamie Talarico discussed our new publication, Participating in Land Use Planning, and tips for getting involved with local land use planning, on the Jefferson Exchange on Jefferson Public Radio. We talked about barriers to getting involved, the basics of our land use planning system, and more! Listen to the interview here: …

Introducing our new publication: Participating in Land Use Planning!

Public participation is powerful and central to the sustainable functioning of our government. Land use planning is dependent on the public being involved in the planning process. With enabling more public participation as our motivating force, we’ve put together a new publication to make participating in the land use realm more accessible. We know firsthand how challenging it can be …

Jackson County denies proposal for 64-acre aggregate mine

Kevin McNamara/KTVL

Facing sustained opposition from Rogue Advocates and community members, Jackson County made its final decision to deny an application for an aggregate mining operation on nearly 64 acres a few miles north of Shady Cove on Highway 227. The application was seeking approval for mining, crushing, sizing, stockpiling, hauling, and blasting, all within close proximity to surrounding residences as close …

Rogue Advocates Wins Appeal Preventing the Urbanization of Forest Land in Extreme Fire Risk Area

News Coverage KDRV, Josephine County zoning change reversed by State Board, published on June 10, 2022 KTVL, Advocacy groups win land-use appeal against private developer in Merlin, published on June 15, 2022 Press Release Grants Pass, OR, June 8, 2022—The Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) ruled in favor of Rogue Advocates and 1000 Friends of Oregon that the Josephine …

Appeal Filed to Protect Josephine County Forest Land

Josephine County, Oregon––Rogue Advocates and 1000 Friends of Oregon have appealed a Josephine County land use decision to re-designate and rezone nearly 90 acres of forest land to rural residential to allow a residential subdivision with 5-acre minimum parcel sizes. Over 15,500 acres in Josephine County have already been re-designated as non-resource lands, with local decision-makers repeatedly failing to consider …

Rogue Advocates Highlights the Need for a Systemic Shift Away from Auto-Dependent Growth in Comments to LCDC’s Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities Rulemaking

Rogue Advocates submitted public comment in advance of the December 17 meeting on the latest draft rules developed for the Land Conservation and Development Commission’s (LCDC) Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities Rulemaking. The comments urge LCDC to ensure that its final rule reflects the urgency and severity of the climate crisis and corrects Oregon’s historic failure to meet its GHG emission reduction goals.    Governor Kate Brown’s Executive Order 20-04 directed state agencies, including LCDC, …

Talent and Ashland Pass the Hat to Bolster Developer Profits

Written by Jimmy MacLeod, President of Rogue Advocates We are all keenly aware of the ongoing housing crisis in the Rogue Valley. With that in mind, residents and community members will undoubtedly be happy to learn that Talent will be permitting a new subdivision within its city limits for 49 houses. Or will they? This low-density, single-family luxury home subdivision will put an incredible burden on the …