Join SOCAN’s Ashland Climate Action Project next Thursday from 7-8:30pm via Zoom for a special event: “Rethinking Streets: Lessons for Ashland” where they will be discussing community safety, health, climate, affordability, equity, and more.
The free event is being hosted by the Ashland Climate Action Project and the Ashland Bicycle Advocacy Group. Join the conversation and register on their website at:
The SOCAN website states, “Across the U.S. and the world, communities ranging from small towns to large cities have implemented strategies to become easier and less stressful to get around without a car. By doing so, they’ve fostered more vibrant, active lifestyles, while also making meaningful reductions in traffic and local fossil fuel consumption. We can do it too, Ashland!
To achieve our city’s greenhouse gas emission reduction goals, it’s imperative we take steps to make bike riding in Ashland as safe, convenient, and efficient as driving our own cars. Motorists, parents, kids, older adults, and local businesses can all benefit from street redesign.
The City of Ashland will be updating its state-mandated Transportation System Plan over the next year and a half. This Zoom program kick-offs a campaign to elevate the voices of residents who see the need for safer streets in Ashland. Come hear about this campaign and how you can get involved!Guest Speaker: This presentation features Dr. Marc Schlossberg, an expert in street design for sustainability. Dr. Schlossberg is a Professor of City and Regional Planning in the University of Oregon School of Planning, Public Policy and Management. He is also Co-Director of the Sustainable Cities Institute and the lead author of three books on street redesign: Rethinking Streets, Rethinking Streets for Bikes, and Rethinking Streets During COVID-19.”
Register on their website to join this important conversation! See you there!