Download our free guide: Participating in Land Use Decisions

We know firsthand how challenging it can be to track and understand what is happening when local decision-makers are evaluating land use applications. Information can be difficult to find, the process can be unclear, and providing testimony can feel intimidating. We’ve created this guide to make the process a little more approachable! It walks through several steps for approaching a land use proposal in your community:
(1) Tracking land use applications (where to find more details, how to receive notice)
(2) Understanding the process that the decision-makers will use for deciding on a land use application (including different processes for different types of applications)
(3) Tips for effectively participating in the process through written or oral testimony, and
(4) How and when to appeal a land use decision if necessary.
Oregon’s land use system depends on public participation in the planning process to guide smart and sustainable decision-making. We hope that this guide encourages you to participate in the process if you hear about a potential land use change that you believe is not in the best interest of the community and/or violates the law.
View our free guide by entering your email below!Why should you participate in land use decisions?
Public participation is a core foundation Oregon’s planning system, and it is appropriately enshrined as the first of 19 Statewide Planning Goals that form the framework of Oregon’s planning system. Under Goal 1, all governing bodies overseeing planning activities, including city and county officials, must ensure that the public has the opportunity to be notified of and to be involved in all stages of the planning process to varying degrees depending on the type of land use change.
Public involvement often takes the form of participating in local land use hearings either through written or oral testimony. Anyone can submit comments or testimony on a land use application, regardless of how they are impacted or where they live. Community participation in the planning process provides decision-makers with additional evidence for consideration in making their decision and has the potential to impact the outcome of an application. Providing comments or testimony also preserves your ability to appeal a final land use decision if the decision-makers decide against your desired outcome.
Despite the intended central role of the public in land use planning, it can be difficult to track the countless decisions being made and to understand how and when to get involved. The resources on this page are intended to help you track what is happening in your city or county and to know how to have your voice heard on a proposed land use change.
How do you track what land use changes are being proposed in your city?
Depending on the type of land use change being proposed, a public hearing on the matter may occur before the Planning Commission (PC) and/or the Board of Commissioners (BOC)/City Council (CC). Sometimes the PC makes a final decision, and sometimes it only makes a recommendation to the BOC or CC. Reviewing agendas and minutes from these meetings can be helpful to learn about land use proposals currently being considered by your jurisdiction.
The following table provides a guide to where to find information on land use hearings and applications being considered, including through regularly scheduled meetings and online resources for tracking pending land use applications.
County or City | Public Meetings | How to Participate Remotely | Online Resources |
Jackson County | Planning Commission Regular Meeting: 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 9:00am (Upcoming events) (Meeting minutes) Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting: Every Wednesday at 9:30am (Upcoming events) (Meeting minutes) | Livestream Zoom link for remote participation included on agendas included with calendar events on webpage | Accela Citizen Access: Planning applications processed through this portal. Search for particular applications or review all applications submitted by entering County Code “439” in Record Number search field. Open Planning Projects: Supporting documents for certain land use projects currently being considered for approval |
Ashland | Planning Commission Regular Meeting: 2nd Tuesday of every month at 7pm (Agendas and Minutes) City Council Regular Meeting: 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month at 6pm (Agendas and Minutes) | Livestream Zoom link for remote participation included on agenda for meetings | Map of current development proposals: Map of land use and development proposals currently being considered by the city |
Butte Falls | Planning Commission Regular Meeting: 1st Tuesday of every month at 7pm City Council Regular Meeting: 3rd Thursday of every month at 7pm | Email for information on how to participate remotely | |
Central Point | Planning Commission Regular Meeting: 1st Tuesday of every month at 6pm (Calendar with agendas) City Council Regular Meeting: 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month at 7pm (Calendar with agendas) | Email for zoom link to participate remotely in Planning commission meetings. | Map and list of land use and development projects: List and map of land use and development proposals currently being considered by the city |
Gold Hill | Planning Commission: Upcoming Meetings Agendas Recordings City Council: Upcoming Meetings Agendas Minutes | Livestream Zoom links for remote participation included on agendas | |
Jacksonville | Planning Commission Regular Meeting: 2nd Wednesday of every month at 6pm (Agendas and minutes) City Council Regular Meeting: 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month at 6pm (Agendas and minutes) | Zoom link for remote participation included on agendas | |
Medford | Planning Commission Regular Meeting: 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month at 5:30pm (Agendas and minutes) City Council Regular Meeting: 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 6pm (Agendas and minutes) | Livestream | Notices of Public Hearings: Notices of upcoming public hearings for the Planning Commission and City Council are posted here. Map and list of current planning projects and applications: View all pending development and land use projects in the city |
Phoenix | Planning Commission Regular Meeting: (Calendar) (Agendas) City Council Regular Meeting: 1st and 3rd Monday of every month at 6:30pm (Calendar) (Agendas) | Zoom details for remote participation included on agendas | Current Planning & Land Use Permits Under Consideration (including notices of public hearings) |
Rogue River | Planning Commission Regular Meeting: 4th Tuesday of every month at 6pm (Agendas) City Council Regular Meeting: 4th Thursday of every month at 6pm (Agendas) | Information for remote participation included on agendas | Public notices may be posted here but not updated frequently. |
Shady Cove | Planning Commission Regular Meeting: 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month at 6pm (Agendas) City Council Regular Meeting: 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month at 6pm (Agendas) | Zoom information for remote participation included on agendas. | |
Talent | Planning Commission Regular Meeting: 4th Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm (Agendas) City Council Regular Meeting: 1st and 4th Tuesday of every month at 6:45pm (Agendas) | Zoom information for remote participation included on agendas. Must preregister to provide oral testimony remotely. | Current planning applications being considered by Talent can be reviewed here. |
Josephine County | Planning Commission: Upcoming events Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting: Every Wednesday at 9am (2nd Wednesday at 5:30pm) (Recorded meetings) (Agendas and minutes) | Livestream Contact (for Planning Commission hearings) or (for Board of Commissioners hearings) prior to the meeting for a zoom link to participate remotely. | Applications received by the County: Notices of land use requests submitted to the County Upcoming land use hearings: Scheduled land use hearings before both the Planning Commission and Board of Commissioners are posted here, along with supporting documents |
Cave Junction | City Council Regular Meeting: 2nd and 4th Monday of every month at 7pm (Agendas)(Recorded meetings) | Zoom information for remote participation included on agendas. | |
Grants Pass | Planning Commission Regular Meeting: 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 6pm (Agendas) City Council Regular Meeting: 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month at 6pm (Agendas) | MS Teams information for remote access included on agendas. | Schedule and meeting materials for land use hearings |