Talent and Ashland Pass the Hat to Bolster Developer Profits

Written by Jimmy MacLeod, President of Rogue Advocates We are all keenly aware of the ongoing housing crisis in the Rogue Valley. With that in mind, residents and community members will undoubtedly be happy to learn that Talent will be permitting a new subdivision within its city limits for 49 houses. Or will they? This low-density, single-family luxury home subdivision will put an incredible burden on the …

Box R Mine Appeal: Update

The Box R Ranch has been operating an unpermitted mine operation since the 1990’s in the Greensprings area approximately 1 ½ miles off Hwy. 66. This has historically been a small operation until 2018 when Box R contracted to supply rock for the reinforcement of both Hyatt and Howard Prarie Dams. The increased haul traffic led to several public complaints …

Rogue Advocates Opposes Urban Growth Boundary Expansion Bill

HB 2708, introduced by Representative Zika, would authorize DLCD to approve any city’s request for a Urban Growth Boundary expansion for affordable housing, notwithstanding land use laws, including onto farm and forest land. There are several problems with this: Perpetuates the false notion that just adding more land means housing will be more affordable. Distracts from what cities should be …

Citizen Alert: DLCD Climate Friendly and Equitable Communities Rulemaking

From the DLCD website: “On March 10, 2020, Governor Kate Brown issued Executive Order 20-04, directing agencies to reduce climate pollution. In response, the Land Conservation and Development Commission (commission) is working on updating Oregon’s Transportation Planning Rules and related administrative rules. The commission initiated rulemaking at its September 2020 meeting. That rulemaking will focus on significantly strengthening Oregon’s administrative rules about transportation …

Rogue Advocates Appeals Ashland Annexation

Ashland, Oregon, January 13, 2021—Rogue Advocates, a non-profit land use organization based in Jackson and Josephine Counties, gave notice today of their intent to appeal the City of Ashland’s approval of an approximately 17-acre annexation near Ashland’s northern city limits. Located adjacent to a 45-mph section of Highway 99 on land currently occupied by a single home, the annexation would …

Rogue Advocates Appeals Ashland Annexation

On December 15th the City of Ashland approved the 17-acre “Grand Terrace” annexation at the northern edge of the City’s Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) along the west side of Highway 99. Rogue Advocates is highly-supportive of Ashland’s efforts to increase the supply of affordable housing, particularly within mixed-use, transit, bike, and pedestrian-oriented developments. Additionally, Rogue Advocates supports developments that serve to …

Box R Aggregate Mine Appeal

Rogue Advocates has filed an appeal of Jackson County’s approval of the Box R Aggregate Mine Conditional Use Permit to authorize an aggregate mine on a 42-acre parcel zoned forest resource. The site is about 1 1/2 miles south of Hwy 66 near Lincoln school in the Greensprings. Access has been granted by BLM over their road system to Hwy 66. The property is …